scEGOT: Single-cell trajectory inference framework based on entropic Gaussian mixture optimal transport


Yachimura ToshiakiORCID,Wang Hanbo,Imoto Yusuke,Yoshida Momoko,Tasaki Sohei,Kojima Yoji,Yabuta Yukihiro,Saitou Mitinori,Hiraoka Yasuaki


AbstractTime-series single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data have opened a door to elucidate cell differentiation processes. In this context, the optimal transport (OT) theory has attracted attention to interpolate scRNA-seq data and infer the trajectories of cell differentiation. However, there remain critical issues in interpretability and computational cost. This paper presents scEGOT, a novel comprehensive trajectory inference framework for single-cell data based on entropic Gaussian mixture optimal transport (EGOT). By constructing a theory of EGOT via an explicit construction of the entropic transport plan and its connection to a continuous OT with its error estimates, EGOT is realized as a generative model with high interpretability and low computational cost, dramatically facilitating the inference of cell trajectories and dynamics from time-series data. The scEGOT framework provides comprehensive outputs from multiple perspectives, including cell state graphs, velocity fields of cell differentiation, time interpolations of single-cell data, space-time continuous videos of cell differentiation with gene expressions, gene regulatory networks, and reconstructions of Waddington’s epigenetic landscape. To demonstrate that scEGOT is a powerful and versatile tool for single-cell biology, we applied it to time-series scRNA-seq data of the human primordial germ cell-like cell (human PGCLC) induction system. Using scEGOT, we precisely identified the PGCLC progenitor population and the bifurcation time of the segregation. Our analysis suggests that a known marker geneTFAP2Aalone is not sufficient to identify the PGCLC progenitor cell population, but thatNKX1-2is also required. In addition, we found thatMESP1andGATA6may also be crucial for PGCLC/somatic cell segregation.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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