AbstractDynamic chromatin structure acts as the regulator of transcription program in crucial processes including cancer and cell development, but a unified framework for characterizing chromatin structural evolution remains to be established. Here, we performed graph inferences on Hi-C datasets and derived the chromatin contact networks (CCNs). We discovered significant decreases in information transmission efficiencies in CCNs of colorectal cancer (CRC) and T-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) compared to corresponding normal controls through graph statistics. Through network embedding in Poincaré disk, the hierarchy depths of CCNs from CRC and T-ALL patients were found to be significantly shallower compared to their normal controls. A reverse trend of CCN change was observed for the transition from embryo to differentiated primary tissues. During early embryo developments of both human and mouse, the hierarchy of embedded chromatin structure gradually establishes. Additionally, we found tissue-specific conservation of hierarchy order in normal CCNs, which was disturbed in tumor. Our findings uncover the cell-state related hierarchical characteristics in chromatin structure, which reveal chromatin loci that play important roles in stabilizing the cellular conditions.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory