ABSTRACTThe first completed, circular mitochondrial genome and the first draft chloroplastic genome of Northern Atlantic blue diatomHaslea ostrearia(Naviculaceae, Bacillariophyceae) are described. The mitochondrial genome is composed of 38,696 bases and contains 64 genes, including 31 protein-coding genes (CDS), 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes and 23 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. For the chloroplast, the genome is composed of 130,200 bases with 169 genes (131 CDS, 6 rRNA genes, 31 tRNA genes, and 1 transfermessenger RNA (tmRNA) gene). Phylogenetic trees suggest the proximity of allH. ostreariastrains yet available and the possibility to use these genomes as future references.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory