Wnt and Notch signaling govern self-renewal and differentiation in a subset of human glioblastoma stem cells


Rajakulendran Nishani,Rowland Katherine J.,Selvadurai Hayden J.,Ahmadi Moloud,Park Nicole I.,Naumenko Sergey,Dolma Sonam,Ward Ryan J.,So Milly,Lee Lilian,MacLeod Graham,Pasiliao Clarissa,Brandon Caroline,Clarke Ian D.,Cusimano Michael D.,Bernstein Mark,Batada Nizar,Angers StephaneORCID,Dirks Peter B.


Developmental signal transduction pathways act diversely, with context-dependent roles across systems and disease types. Glioblastomas (GBMs), which are the poorest prognosis primary brain cancers, strongly resemble developmental systems, but these growth processes have not been exploited therapeutically, likely in part due to the extreme cellular and genetic heterogeneity observed in these tumors. The role of Wnt/βcatenin signaling in GBM stem cell (GSC) renewal and fate decisions remains controversial. Here, we report context-specific actions of Wnt/βcatenin signaling in directing cellular fate specification and renewal. A subset of primary GBM-derived stem cells requires Wnt proteins for self-renewal, and this subset specifically relies on Wnt/βcatenin signaling for enhanced tumor burden in xenograft models. In an orthotopic Wnt reporter model, Wnthi GBM cells (which exhibit high levels of βcatenin signaling) are a faster-cycling, highly self-renewing stem cell pool. In contrast, Wntlo cells (with low levels of signaling) are slower cycling and have decreased self-renewing potential. Dual inhibition of Wnt/βcatenin and Notch signaling in GSCs that express high levels of the proneural transcription factor ASCL1 leads to robust neuronal differentiation and inhibits clonogenic potential. Our work identifies new contexts for Wnt modulation for targeting stem cell differentiation and self-renewal in GBM heterogeneity, which deserve further exploration therapeutically.


SU2C Canada Cancer Stem Cell Dream Team Research Funding

Government of Canada

Genome Canada

Canadian Institute of Health Research

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

Government of Ontario

Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute

Hospital for Sick Children Foundation

Canadian Institutes for Health Research

Brain Canada-Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Brain Cancer Training Awards


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


Developmental Biology,Genetics








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