The SMART Text2FHIR Pipeline


Miller Timothy A.,McMurry Andrew J.,Jones James,Gottlieb Daniel,Mandl Kenneth D.ORCID


AbstractObjectiveTo implement an open source, free, and easily deployable high throughput natural language processing module to extract concepts from clinician notes and map them to Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR).Materials and MethodsUsing a popular open-source NLP tool (Apache cTAKES), we create FHIR resources that use modifier extensions to represent negation and NLP sourcing, and another extension to represent provenance of extracted concepts.ResultsThe SMART Text2FHIR Pipeline is an open-source tool, released through standard package managers, and publicly available container images that implement the mappings, enabling ready conversion of clinical text to FHIR.DiscussionWith the increased data liquidity because of new interoperability regulations, NLP processes that can output FHIR can enable a common language for transporting structured and unstructured data. This framework can be valuable for critical public health or clinical research use cases.ConclusionFuture work should include mapping more categories of NLP-extracted information into FHIR resources and mappings from additional open-source NLP tools.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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