A global catalog of whole-genome diversity from 233 primate species


Kuderna Lukas F.K.,Gao Hong,Janiak Mareike C.,Kuhlwilm Martin,Orkin Joseph D.,Bataillon Thomas,Manu Shivakumara,Valenzuela Alejandro,Bergman Juraj,Rouselle Marjolaine,Silva Felipe Ennes,Agueda Lidia,Blanc Julie,Gut Marta,de Vries Dorien,Goodhead Ian,Harris R. Alan,Raveendran Muthuswamy,Jensen Axel,Chuma Idriss S.,Horvath Julie,Hvilsom Christina,Juan David,Frandsen Peter,Schraiber Joshua G.,de Melo Fabiano R.,Bertuol Fabricio,Byrne Hazel,Sampaio Iracilda,Farias Izeni,Amaral João Valsecchi do,Messias Malu,da Silva Maria N. F.,Trivedi Mihir,Rossi Rogerio,Hrbek Tomas,Andriaholinirina Nicole,Rabarivola Clément J.,Zaramody Alphonse,Jolly Clifford J.,Phillips-Conroy Jane,Wilkerson Gregory,Abee Christian,Simmons Joe H.,Fernandez-Duque Eduardo,Kanthaswamy Sree,Shiferaw Fekadu,Wu Dongdong,Zhou Long,Shao Yong,Zhang Guojie,Keyyu Julius D.,Knauf Sascha,Le Minh D.,Lizano Esther,Merker Stefan,Navarro Arcadi,Nadler Tilo,Khor Chiea Chuen,Lee Jessica,Tan Patrick,Lim Weng Khong,Kitchener Andrew C.,Zinner Dietmar,Gut Ivo,Melin Amanda,Guschanski Katerina,Schierup Mikkel Heide,Beck Robin M. D.,Umapathy Govindhaswamy,Roos Christian,Boubli Jean P.,Rogers Jeffrey,Farh Kyle,Bonet Tomas Marques


AbstractThe rich diversity of morphology and behavior displayed across primate species provides an informative context in which to study the impact of genomic diversity on fundamental biological processes. Analysis of that diversity provides insight into long-standing questions in evolutionary and conservation biology, and is urgent given severe threats these species are facing. Here, we present high coverage whole-genome data from 233 primate species representing 86% of genera and all 16 families. This dataset was used, together with fossil calibration, to create a nuclear DNA phylogeny and to reassess evolutionary divergence times among primate clades. We found within-species genetic diversity across families and geographic regions to be associated with climate and sociality, but not with extinction risk. Furthermore, mutation rates differ across species, potentially influenced by effective population sizes. Lastly, we identified extensive recurrence of missense mutations previously thought to be human-specific. This study will open a wide range of research avenues for future primate genomic research.One-Sentence SummaryThe whole genome sequences of 233 primate species provide insight into the determinants of genetic diversity, phylogenomics, and human uniqueness.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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