AbstractApple (Malus × domestica) is one of the most important fruit crops in terms of worldwide production. Due to its self-incompatibility system and the long juvenile period, breeding of new apple cultivars combining traits desired by growers (e.g. yield, pest and disease resistance) and consumers (e.g. fruit size, color, and flavor) is a long and complex process. Genomics-assisted breeding strategies can facilitate the selection of germplasm leading to new cultivars. While the most complete apple genome assemblies available to date are from anther-derived homozygous lines, de novo assembly of apple genomes encompassing the natural heterozygosity remains challenging. Using long- and short-read sequencing technologies in combination with optical mapping, we de novo assembled a diploid and heterozygous genome of the apple cultivar ‘Gala Galaxy’. This approach resulted in 154 hybrid scaffolds (N50 = 34.3 Mb) spanning 999.9 Mb and in 414.7 Mb of unscaffolded sequences. Anchoring 31 scaffolds with a genetic map was sufficient to represent an entire haploid genome of 17 pseudomolecules (719.4 Mb). The remaining sequences were assembled in a second set of 17 pseudomolecules, which spanned 601 Mb, leaving 80.6 Mb of unplaced sequences. A total of 41,264 genes were annotated using 74,900 transcripts derived from RNA sequencing of pooled leaf tissue samples. This study provides a high-quality diploid reference genome sequence encompassing the natural heterozygosity of the widely popular cultivar ‘Gala Galaxy’. The DNA sequence resources and the assembly described here will serve as a solid foundation for fundamental and applied apple breeding research.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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8 articles.