Cryo-ET reveals two major tubulin-based cytoskeleton structures in Toxoplasma gondii


Sun Stella Y.ORCID,Segev-Zarko Li-avORCID,Chen MuyuanORCID,Pintilie Grigore D.ORCID,Schmid Michael F.ORCID,Ludtke Steven J.ORCID,Boothroyd John C.ORCID,Chiu WahORCID


SUMMARYIn the obligate intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, the subpellicular microtubules (SPMTs) help maintain shape, while the apical conoid (also tubulin-based) is implicated in invasion. Here, we use cryo-electron tomography to determine the molecular structures of the SPMTs and the conoid-fibrils (CFs) in vitrified and detergent-lysed parasites. Subvolume densities from detergent-extracted parasites yielded averaged density maps at subnanometer resolutions, and these were related back to their architecture in situ. An intraluminal spiral (IS) lines the interior of the 13-protofilament SPMTs, revealing a preferred orientation of these microtubules relative to the parasite’s long axis. Each CF is composed of 9 tubulin protofilaments, that produce a comma-shaped cross-section, plus additional associated components. Conoid protrusion, a crucial step in invasion, is associated with an altered pitch of each CF. The use of basic building blocks of protofilaments and different accessory proteins in one organism, illustrates the versatility of these critical structures.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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