Homebrew reagents for low cost RT-LAMP


Matute Tamara,Nuñez Isaac,Rivera Maira,Reyes Javiera,Blázquez-Sánchez Paula,Arce Aníbal,Brown Alexander J.,Gandini Chiara,Molloy Jennifer,Ramirez-Sarmiento César A.,Federici Fernán


ABSTRACTRT-LAMP (reverse transcription - Loop-mediated isothermal amplification) has gained popularity for the detection of SARS-CoV-2. The high specificity, sensitivity, simple protocols and potential to deliver results without the use of expensive equipment has made it an attractive alternative to RT-PCR. However, the high cost per reaction, the centralized manufacturing of required reagents and their distribution under cold chain shipping limits RT-LAMP’s applicability in low-income settings. The preparation of assays using homebrew enzymes and buffers has emerged worldwide as a response to these limitations and potential shortages. Here, we describe the production of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MLV) Reverse Transcriptase and BstLF DNA polymerase for the local implementation of RT-LAMP reactions at low cost. These reagents compared favorably to commercial kits and optimum concentrations were defined in order to reduce time to threshold, increase ON/OFF range and minimize enzyme quantities per reaction. As a validation, we tested the performance of these reagents in the detection of SARS-CoV-2 from RNA extracted from clinical nasopharyngeal samples, obtaining high agreement between RT-LAMP and RT-PCR clinical results. The in-house preparation of these reactions results in an order of magnitude reduction in costs, and thus we provide protocols and DNA to enable the replication of these tests at other locations. These results contribute to the global effort of developing open and low cost diagnostics that enable technological autonomy and distributed capacities in viral surveillance.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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