DNA nicks in both leading and lagging strand templates can trigger break-induced replication


Xu Yuanlin,Laksir Yassine,Morrow Carl A.,Taylor Kezia,Tsiappourdhi Costas,Collins Patrick,Jia Su,Andreadis Christos,Whitby Matthew C.ORCID


AbstractEncounters between replication forks and unrepaired single-strand DNA breaks (SSBs) generate single-ended double-strand breaks (seDSBs) that can later become double-ended (deDSBs) through fork convergence. seDSBs can be repaired by break-induced replication (BIR), which is a highly mutagenic pathway that is thought to be repsonsible for many of the mutations and genome rearrangements that drive cancer development. However, the frequency of BIR’s deployment and its ability to be triggered by both leading and lagging template strand SSBs was unclear. Using site- and strand-specific SSBs generated by nicking enzymes, including CRISPR-Cas9n, we demonstrate that leading and lagging template strand SSBs in fission yeast are typically converted into deDSBs that are repaired primarily by error-free homologous recombination. However, both types of SSB can also trigger BIR, and the frequency of these events increases when the converging fork is delayed and the non-homologous end joining protein Ku70 is deleted.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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