Comparative transcriptomics reveals human-specific cortical features


Jorstad Nikolas L.ORCID,Song Janet H.T.ORCID,Exposito-Alonso DavidORCID,Suresh HamsiniORCID,Castro Nathan,Krienen Fenna M.ORCID,Yanny Anna MarieORCID,Close JennieORCID,Gelfand Emily,Travaglini Kyle J.ORCID,Basu SoumyadeepORCID,Beaudin MarcORCID,Bertagnolli DarrenORCID,Crow MeganORCID,Ding Song-LinORCID,Eggermont JeroenORCID,Glandon AlexandraORCID,Goldy JeffORCID,Kroes ThomasORCID,Long BrianORCID,McMillen DelissaORCID,Pham TrangthanhORCID,Rimorin ChristineORCID,Siletti KimberlyORCID,Somasundaram SarojaORCID,Tieu MichaelORCID,Torkelson AmyORCID,Ward KatelynORCID,Feng GuopingORCID,Hopkins William D.ORCID,Höllt ThomasORCID,Keene C. DirkORCID,Linnarsson StenORCID,McCarroll Steven A.ORCID,Lelieveldt Boudewijn P.ORCID,Sherwood Chet C.ORCID,Smith KimberlyORCID,Walsh Christopher A.ORCID,Dobin AlexanderORCID,Gillis JesseORCID,Lein Ed S.ORCID,Hodge Rebecca D.ORCID,Bakken Trygve E.ORCID


AbstractHumans have unique cognitive abilities among primates, including language, but their molecular, cellular, and circuit substrates are poorly understood. We used comparative single nucleus transcriptomics in adult humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, rhesus macaques, and common marmosets from the middle temporal gyrus (MTG) to understand human-specific features of cellular and molecular organization. Human, chimpanzee, and gorilla MTG showed highly similar cell type composition and laminar organization, and a large shift in proportions of deep layer intratelencephalic-projecting neurons compared to macaque and marmoset. Species differences in gene expression generally mirrored evolutionary distance and were seen in all cell types, although chimpanzees were more similar to gorillas than humans, consistent with faster divergence along the human lineage. Microglia, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes showed accelerated gene expression changes compared to neurons or oligodendrocyte precursor cells, indicating either relaxed evolutionary constraints or positive selection in these cell types. Only a few hundred genes showed human-specific patterning in all or specific cell types, and were significantly enriched near human accelerated regions (HARs) and conserved deletions (hCONDELS) and in cell adhesion and intercellular signaling pathways. These results suggest that relatively few cellular and molecular changes uniquely define adult human cortical structure, particularly by affecting circuit connectivity and glial cell function.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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