Innovative Logging Methodology and Design to Acquire Data in Challenging Multilateral Horizontal Wells


Aljuaydi H. S.1,Mehmood S. X.1,Aljassem H. M.1,Miftakhov I. I.2


1. Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia

2. TGT Diagnostics, Khobar, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia


Abstract Acquiring high quality downhole production contribution data for multilateral wells is essential to quantitatively evaluate reservoir performance. The complexity of multilateral completion design and unavailability of advanced logging tools act as innovation drivers to address existing challenges and enhance the current equipment menu in the market. This paper presents an upgraded version of both logging hardware and approach which ultimately resulted in significant improvements of lateral accessibility and data quality. The upgraded logging tool utilizes the Total Flow Systems (TFS) which comprises of passive acoustic measurements and multiple active response sensors: temperature, and pulse neutron tools (PNL) in water flow log under different well conditions. The spectral acoustic recording system captures acoustic signals generated by fluid movement across a wide range of amplitudes and frequencies within an extended scanning radius. A numerical flow modeling was utilized to quantify inflows corresponding to temperature gradient changes within the active zones. The phase split is then integrated via simulation model given the inputs of water profile provided by PNL. Implementation of the upgraded version showcases high-resolution production profile eliminating the need for mechanical spinners utilization. The generated numerical temperature modeling provided accurate interpretation to the effective production zones in the horizontal section. The analysis of the data collected from two laterals of well P-1 clearly demonstrates that the primary oil production comes from the motherbore, with the oil distribution profile being evenly spread along the entire open hole section. Temperature data from lateral indicates its subdued performance, characterized by a high water cut in the produced fluid. Quantitative analysis of flow profile for well P-2 suggests the top of the logging interval inside the motherbore was contributing around 80% of the oil inflow, whereas the lateral was dominated by uniform inflow. In addition, the majority of water inflow in the lateral was located across bottom depths. In both laterals, inflow zones detected by acoustic sensor during flowing condition had uniform signature. The absence of localized noise events confirms matrix flow without fracture flow contribution. The new methodologies and upgraded hardware proved that it can be used as the new standard for production logging in challenging wellbores for production optimization and better reservoir management. The data analytics features improved the decision-making process and accurately represented the reservoir condition.









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