Purpose: The study analyzes epistemic beliefs of field members qualitatively as to the knowledge base of Educational Management.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The research design is descriptive phenomenology, and the data collection tool has semi- structured questions facilitating epistemological reasoning and thinking in Educational Management. The questions were posed through one-on-one, face to face interviews. The participants are 29 lecturers in departments of Educational Management in 3 state universities in Turkey. The interviews were hold during the first term of 2018-19 Academic Year.
Findings: The results indicate the participants hold unique epistemic beliefs in their evaluations of possibility of knowledge, truth of knowledge, justifying knowledge and boundaries of knowledge in the knowledge base. It is observed participants’ personal epistemic beliefs also bear certain commonalities.
Highlights: There is neither a priori knowledge nor absolute truth in the knowledge base implying the knowledge of Educational Management calls for hermeneutic explanations; it continues to be a struggle to study the highly dynamic epistemologies-both those of individual researchers and communities-emerging and ‘filtered’ and hence ‘refined’ in the knowledge of the field. Preserving the core of the field knowledge whilst expanding it can be realized through working in a collaborative fashion within the field and ‘beyond’.
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