Optimisation of the Network of Higher Education Institutions: Theoretical Features and Practical Recommendations


Kalashnikova SvitlanaORCID,Orzhel OlenaORCID


The article explores European experience in optimisation of higher education institutions network, provides theoretical background for the above process and identifies its key features, as well as formulates practical recommendations for implementation of Ukraine’s higher education sector optimisation. The relevance of this research is conditioned by ongoing higher education reform, its strategic objectives, developments triggered by russian federation aggression, and objectives of post-war revival of Ukraine. The article is rooted in the experience and optimisation practices of 9 European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom and identifies key specific features of higher education institutions network optimization in each of the above countries. The analysis of theoretical texts by foreign and domestic scholars, practical cases, analytical reports dedicated to university mergers and restructuring of the landscape of national higher education systems allowed to identify: terminology on the research topic (namely: amalgamations, mergers, concentration processes, clusters, alliances, collaborations,  optimization of higher education institutions network); pre-conditions that trigger optimisation process (in the format of 5 pairs “reason — goal”); trends and approaches to optimisation implementation (8 trends including  duration; diversification; dominance of vertical heterogenous amalgamations; pairing; positioning on higher education international arena; combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches; supporting role of the state; partnership and trust); factors that ensure success of optimisation efforts (presented in the form of three-level segmented pyramid with value, system and institutional dimensions). Practical recommendations formulated by the authors are the outcomes of adaptation of prominent European experience — its theoretical and practical domains — to the priorities, challenges and specific characteristics pertinent to the development of Ukraine’s higher educations. 


Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine

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