This study aims to examine the graduate theses written on the subject of inflation through the method of bibliometric analysis. For this purpose, 504 graduate theses that are allowed to be accessed at the national thesis center of the Higher Education Council were examined and analyzed. The theses in the study were examined in accordance with certain parameters. The theses were examined according to the gender of the authors, the years of publication, the universities where they were published, the institutes where they were prepared, departments, subjects, title of advisor, type, languages in which they were written, number of pages, university type, cities in which they were published and their related topics. In the analysis part of the study, tables were created as a result of frequency and percentage analyses of the data. When the results obtained from the analyses are examined, it is noted that the most theses are written in Turkish, the most theses were written in 2019, there are more male researchers according to the gender of the authors, the most theses were published at Istanbul University, in terms of the title of consultant Prof.dr. more of an advisor is entitled, where her thesis work more often, more of the state universities, most of the thesis in the Department of Economics was written by and subject to inflation inflation targeting is associated with outcomes.
Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi
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