1. Department of Natural History, NTNU University Museum, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) , Trondheim , Norway
2. Department of Anatomy, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Otago , Dunedin , New Zealand
3. Marine Mammal Institute, Oregon State University , Newport, OR , United States
4. School of Biological Sciences & Institute of Marine Science, University of Auckland , Auckland , New Zealand
5. Centro de Conservacion Cetacea , Vitacura, Santiago , Chile
6. Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé (CEBC), UMR 7372 La Rochelle Université—CNRS , Villiers-en-Bois , France
7. Marine Mammal and Turtle Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration , La Jolla, CA , United States
8. Evolutionary Genomics Section, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen , Copenhagen , Denmark
9. Instituto de Conservación de Ballenas , Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires , Argentina
10. MARBEC Université de Montpellier-CNRS-IFREMER-IRD , Sète , France
11. Cetacean Research Centre (CETREC WA) , Exmouth, WA , Australia
12. Bay Cetology , Alert Bay, BC , Canada
13. Project ORCA , Perth, WA , Australia
14. Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Curtin University , Perth, WA , Australia