Modelling growing stock volume of forest stands with various ALS area-based approaches


Parkitna Karolina1,Krok Grzegorz1,Miścicki Stanisław2,Ukalski Krzysztof2,Lisańczuk Marek1,Mitelsztedt Krzysztof1,Magnussen Steen3,Markiewicz Anna1,Stereńczak Krzysztof1


1. Department of Geomatics, Forest Research Institute, 3 Braci Lesnej St., Sekocin Stary 05-090, Poland

2. Department of Forest Management Planning, Dendrometry and Forest Economics, Institute of Forest Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), 159 Nowoursynowska St., Warsaw 02-776, Poland

3. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, 506 Burnside Road West, Victoria, BC V8Z 1M5, Canada


Abstract Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is one of the most innovative remote sensing tools with a recognized important utility for characterizing forest stands. Currently, the most common ALS-based method applied in the estimation of forest stand characteristics is the area-based approach (ABA). The aim of this study was to analyse how three ABA methods affect growing stock volume (GSV) estimates at the sample plot and forest stand levels. We examined (1) an ABA with point cloud metrics, (2) an ABA with canopy height model (CHM) metrics and (3) an ABA with aggregated individual tree CHM-based metrics. What is more, three different modelling techniques: multiple linear regression, boosted regression trees and random forest, were applied to all ABA methods, which yielded a total of nine combinations to report. An important element of this work is also the empirical verification of the methods for estimating the GSV error for individual forest stand. All nine combinations of the ABA methods and different modelling techniques yielded very similar predictions of GSV for both sample plots and forest stands. The root mean squared error (RMSE) of estimated GSV ranged from 75 to 85 m3 ha−1 (RMSE% = 20.5–23.4 per cent) and from 57 to 64 m3 ha−1 (RMSE% = 16.4–18.3 per cent) for plots and stands, respectively. As a result of the research, it can be concluded that GSV modelling with the use of different ALS processing approaches and statistical methods leads to very similar results. Therefore, the choice of a GSV prediction method may be more determined by the availability of data and competences than by the requirement to use a particular method.


National Centre for Research and Development


Oxford University Press (OUP)









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