1. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) , Geel , Belgium
2. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH , Marburg , Germany
3. French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) Université Paris Cité , Paris , France
4. Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, University Hospital Leipzig , Leipzig , Germany
5. LIFE-Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases, University of Leipzig , Leipzig , Germany
6. Division Clinical Mass Spectrometry of the German Society of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL) , Berlin , Germany
7. Institute of Genetic Epidemiology, Medical University of Innsbruck , Innsbruck , Austria
8. Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Leiden University Medical Center , Leiden , The Netherlands
9. Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais , Paris , France
10. Department of Laboratory Medicine, Konventhospital Barmherzige Brueder Linz and Ordensklinikum Linz Barmherzige Schwestern , Linz , Austria
11. DiaSys Diagnostic Systems GmbH , Holzheim , Germany
12. Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington , Seattle , USA
13. Division of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Medical University of Graz , Graz , Austria
14. Division of Laboratory Sciences, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , Atlanta , USA
15. Roche Diagnostics GmbH , Penzberg , Germany