New Insight into the Comparative Power Quality-Control Rules That Use Control Observations within a Single Analytical Run


Parvin Curtis A1


1. Division of Laboratory Medicine, Departments of Pathology and Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110


Abstract Vol. 39: p. 441 In the article by C.A. Parvin Entitled "New Insight into the comparative power of quality-control rules that use control observations within a single analytical run," 1993;39;440-7, the means in the first line on page 441 should have been µ1 + σb1E1 and µ2 + σb2E1. In the third paragraph on page 441, in the Sentence "Finally, I assume that total analytical imprecision increases from its stable value, σtj, to REw = 1.5σtj, because of an increase in the between-run component of imprecision from its stable value, σwj, to an out-of-control value, σwj," the word "between" should have been "within." pp. 565-572. In the review by M.H. zweig and G. Campbell entitled "Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plots: a fundamental evaluation tool in clinical medicine," 1993;39:561-77, the label for the x-axis at the bottom of each of Figures 4 through 12 should read "False-positive fraction (1 - specificity)." Correspondingly, the label at the top of each Figure should read "True-negative fraction (specificity)." Note that the (corect) dual labeling of the x-axis solves the problem of whether to plot specificity or 1 - specificity on the x-axis. pp. 767-769. In the article by K. Emancipator and M.H. Kroll entitled "A quantitative measure of nonlinearity," 1993;39:766-772, three equations were printed incorrectly. They should have read as follows: Equation 6a (p. 767) Equation 8b (p. 768) and on p. 769, the last unnumbered equation


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Biochemistry (medical),Clinical Biochemistry







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