Of Fixed-Effects and Time-Invariant Variables


Beck Nathaniel


What follows is a longish controversy (two critiques, a reply and two rejoinders) over the quality of the estimates and associated SEs provided by Plümper and Troeger's (2007) “fixed-effect vector decomposition” (FEVD) procedure; Plümper and Troeger (PT) will refer to that article and not any persons. My role is to lay out some issues that separate the authors rather than to adjudicate between them. As with many controversies, a bit of heat is generated along with some light. Readers care a bit less than the authors about what was said when, but they do care a lot about what appropriate method to use when a panel data model has both unit-specific intercepts and variables that are invariant over a unit. Thus, I also take it upon myself to discuss some things that I gleaned from this controversy; this discussion has a bit less heat than what follows, but of course readers should judge the evidence for themselves.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Political Science and International Relations,Sociology and Political Science

Reference6 articles.

1. Dirty Pool

2. These are usually called fixed effects. I want to use a different term since terms such as fixed effects and random effects are also used as ways of estimating panel data models.

3. Panel Data and Unobservable Individual Effects

4. Efficient Estimation of Time-Invariant and Rarely Changing Variables in Finite Sample Panel Analyses with Unit Fixed Effects

5. Thus, one time-varying covariate, x, one TIV, z, and a separate unit effect were drawn (making varying assumptions about their correlation), the sum of the TIV and unit effects were then regressed on the TIV with a residual, r, calculated, and then the dependent variable was generated as the sum of the x, TIV, r, and an SE term uncorrelated with anything else. One thousand runs were analyzed.

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