1. 160th Military Medical Unit, 10th Military Medical Center, Istres 13800, France
2. Intensive Care Unit and Anesthesiology Department, Military Teaching Hospital Percy, Clamart 92140, France
3. Bacteriology Unit, French Armed Forces Biomedical Research Institute (IRBA), Bretigny sur Orge 91220, France
4. Intensive Care Unit and Anesthesiology Department, Military Teaching Hospital Laveran, Marseille 13000, France
5. 158th Military Medical Unit, 10th Military Medical Center, Salon de Provence 13661, France
6. 148th Military Medical Unit, 9th Military Medical Center, Hyeres 83400, France
7. Intensive Care Unit and Anesthesiology Department, Military Teaching Hospital Saint-Anne, Toulon 83000, France
8. Intensive Care Unit and Anesthesiology Department, Military Teaching Hospital Desgenettes, Lyon 69003, France
9. Intensive Care Unit and Anesthesiology Department, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon 69437, France