2. Ege Üniversitesi Hastane Öncesi Acil Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Afet Yönetimi Tezli Y.L./Öğrenci
Transport of critically ill patients with compromised vital functions include high risks and challenges for both emergency care professionals and patients. Transport of these critically ill patients should be performed in compliance with the protocols developed in accordance with evidence-based medical recommendations. Pre-hospital emergency health workers perform many different types of transplants, and the transfer of infectious patients with contagious diseases requires a special professional approach. Nowadays, SARSCov-19 suspected/+ patient transfers transmitted by droplets and/or contact have been one of the most common types of transport. The transfer of patients with very high potential for transmission and fatal effects, such as SARSCov-19, should be carried out in accordance with the principles of “critical patient” transport. It is more important than ever before that clear plans are made between the parties involved in patient transport and that suspected/+SARSCov-19 cases are accurately identified so that resources are best managed and used and risks to accompanying personnel are reduced. Providing personal protective equipment to the personnel during transport, disinfection and decontamination of the ambulance are of great importance for the safety of pre-hospital emergency health personnel and patients with contact(-)/Covid-19(-). In this review, the principles and recommendations for the safe delivery of emergency aid ambulances and transports of SARS Cov-19 patients are emphasized.
Association for Standardization and Accreditation in Paramedic Education
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