Nuclear factor Y-A3b binds to the SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS promoter and regulates flowering time in tomato


Zhang Dedi1,Ji Kangna1,Wang Jiafa2,Liu Xinyu1,Zhou Zheng1,Huang Rong1,Ai Guo1,Li Yan3,Wang Xin1ORCID,Wang Taotao1,Lu Yongen1,Hong Zonglie4,Ye Zhibiao1,Zhang Junhong1


1. Huazhong Agricultural University National Key Laboratory for Germplasm Innovation & Utilization of Horticultural Crops, , Wuhan 430070, China

2. Northwest A&F University College of Horticulture, , Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China

3. Zhumadian Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Zhumadian 463000, China

4. University of Idaho Department of Plant Sciences, , Moscow, ID 83844, USA


Abstract The control of flowering time is essential for reproductive success and has a major effect on seed and fruit yield and other important agricultural traits in crops. Nuclear factors Y (NF-Ys) are transcription factors that form heterotrimeric protein complexes to regulate gene expression required for diverse biological processes, including flowering time control in plants. However, to our knowledge, there has been no report on mutants of individual NF-YA subunits that promote early flowering phenotype in plants. In this study, we identified SlNF-YA3b, encoding a member of the NF-Y transcription factor family, as a key gene regulating flowering time in tomato. Knockout of NF-YA3b resulted in an early flowering phenotype in tomato, whereas overexpression of NF-YA3b delayed flowering in transgenic tomato plants. NF-YA3b was demonstrated to form heterotrimeric protein complexes with multiple NF-YB/NF-YC heterodimers in yeast three-hybrid assays. Biochemical evidence indicated that NF-YA3b directly binds to the CCAAT cis-elements of the SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT) promoter to suppress its gene expression. These findings uncovered a critical role of NF-YA3b in regulating flowering time in tomato and could be applied to the management of flowering time in crops.


China Agriculture Research System

Science and Technology Major Project of Zhumadian

the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangxi

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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