1. Laboratory of Toxicological Genetics, Post-Graduate Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology Applied to Health (PPGBioSaúde), Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA), Av. Farroupilha, São José, Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
2. Health and Biosecurity Flagship, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
3. Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics, Post-Graduate Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology Applied to Health (PPGBioSaúde), Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA), Av. Farroupilha, São José, Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
4. Postgraduate Program in Environmental Impact Assessment, UniLaSalle, Av. Victor Barreto, Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
5. Biotechnology Institute, University of Caxias do Sul, Rua Travessão Solferino, Cruzeiro, Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
6. Laboratory of Genetic Epidemiology, Genetics Department, Medicine School, Universidad de la República, Av. General Flores, Montevideo, Uruguay
7. Department of Genetic Toxicology and Chromosome Patology, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable, Av. Italia, Montevideo, Uruguay
8. Toxicology Institute, Catholic Pontifice University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
9. Ion Implantation Laboratory, Physics Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves, Agronomia, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil