1. AFGC. Quick Service Restaurant Initiative for Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children. Australian Food and Grocery Council; 2009. http://afgc.org.au/industry-codes/advertising-to-children/qsr-initiative.html (last accessed 12 May 2013).
2. AFGC. The Responsible Children's Marketing Initiative of the Australian Food and Beverage Industry. Australian Food and Grocery Council; 2011. 6. http://afgc.org.au/industry-codes/advertising-to-children/rcmi.html (last accessed 12 May 2013).
3. AFGC. Quick Service Restaurant Initiative for Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children. Australian Food and Grocery Council; 2014a. http://www.afgc.org.au/our-expertise/industry-codes/advertising-to-children/ (last accessed 26 February 2015).
4. AFGC. The Responsible Children's Marketing Initiative of the Australian Food and Beverage Industry. Australian Food and Grocery Council; 2014b. 6. http://www.afgc.org.au/our-expertise/industry-codes/advertising-to-children/ (last accessed 26 February 2015).
5. Australian Communications and Media Authority. Like, Post, Share: Young Australians’ Experience of Social Media. Australian Communications and Media Authority; 2013. http://www.cybersmart.gov.au/About%20Cybersmart/Research/∼/media/Cybersmart/About%20Cybersmart/Documents/Newspoll%20Quantitative%20Like%20Post%20Share%20%20final%20PDF.pdf (last accessed 26 February 2015).