1. Department of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich , 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
2. SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics , 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
3. Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen , 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
4. TurkuNLP lab, Department of Computing, University of Turku , 20014 Turku, Finland
5. Structural and Computational Biology Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory , 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
6. Yonsei Frontier Lab (YFL), Yonsei University , Seoul 03722, South Korea
7. Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine , 13125 Berlin, Germany
8. Department of Bioinformatics, Biozentrum, University of Würzburg , 97074 Würzburg, Germany