1. Georgetown University Nathan Miller, John Mayo, Steven Salop, Marius Schwartz and Howard Shelanski, Professor,
2. Yale University Steven Berry, Fiona Scott Morton, James Levinsohn and Katja Seim, Professor,
3. American University Jonathan Baker, Professor,
4. Stanford University Timothy Bresnahan, Professor,
5. Carnegie-Mellon University Martin Gaynor, Professor,
6. University of California Richard Gilbert and Carl Shapiro, Professor, , Berkeley
7. Cornell University George Hay, Professor,
8. University of Maryland Ginger Jin and Andrew Sweeting, Professor,
9. George Mason University Bruce Kobayashi, Professor,
10. University of Michigan Francine Lafontaine, Professor,
11. Duke University Leslie Marx, Professor,
12. University of Pennsylvania Aviv Nevo, Professor,
13. Harvard University Ariel Pakes, Professor,
14. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nancy Rose, Professor,
15. New York University Daniel Rubinfeld, Professor,
16. University of Texas David Sibley, Professor, , Austin
17. USC-Brookings Schaeffer Initiative for Health Policy, Brookings Institute Marta Wosinska, Visiting Fellow at the