1. Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Shanghai 200240, People’s Republic of China
2. The Oskar Klein Centre, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University , AlbaNova, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
3. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University , East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
4. Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Michigan State University , East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
5. Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University , East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
6. TAPIR, Mailcode 350-17, California Institute of Technology , Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
7. Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (WPI), The University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study, The University of Tokyo , Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan