Constraints on the Galactic centre environment from Gaia hypervelocity stars III: insights on a possible companion to Sgr A*


Evans F A12ORCID,Rasskazov A3,Remmelzwaal A4,Marchetti T5ORCID,Castro-Ginard A4,Rossi E M4,Bovy J12ORCID


1. David A. Dunlap Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto , 50 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3H4 , Canada

2. Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto , 50 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3H4 , Canada

3. DAMTP, University of Cambridge, CMS , Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA , UK

4. Leiden Observatory, Leiden University , PO Box 9513, NL-2300 RA Leiden , the Netherlands

5. European Southern Observatory , Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748 Garching bei München , Germany


ABSTRACT We consider a scenario in which Sgr A* is in a massive black hole binary (MBHB) with an as-of-yet undetected supermassive or intermediate-mass black hole companion. Dynamical encounters between this MBHB and single stars in its immediate vicinity would eject hypervelocity stars (HVSs) with velocities beyond the Galactic escape velocity of the Galaxy. In this work, we use existing HVS observations to constrain for the first time the existence of a companion to Sgr A*. We simulate the ejection of HVSs via the ‘MBHB slingshot’ scenario and show that the population of HVSs detectable today depends strongly on the companion mass and the separation of the MBHB. We demonstrate that the lack of uncontroversial HVS candidates in Gaia Data Release 3 places a firm upper limit on the mass of a possible Sgr A* companion. Within one milliparsec of Sgr A*, our results exclude a companion more massive than $2000 \, \mathrm{M_\odot }$. If Sgr A* recently merged with a companion black hole, our findings indicate that unless this companion was less massive than $500 \, \mathrm{M_\odot }$, this merger must have occurred at least 10 Myr ago. These results complement and improve upon existing independent constraints on a companion to Sgr A* and show that large regions of its parameter space can now be ruled out.


European Research Council



Oxford University Press (OUP)


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics

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