First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. IV. Variability, Morphology, and Black Hole Mass
Container-title:The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration , Akiyama KazunoriORCID, Alberdi AntxonORCID, Alef Walter, Algaba Juan CarlosORCID, Anantua RichardORCID, Asada KeiichiORCID, Azulay RebeccaORCID, Bach UweORCID, Baczko Anne-KathrinORCID, Ball David, Baloković MislavORCID, Barrett JohnORCID, Bauböck MichiORCID, Benson Bradford A.ORCID, Bintley Dan, Blackburn LindyORCID, Blundell RaymondORCID, Bouman Katherine L.ORCID, Bower Geoffrey C.ORCID, Boyce HopeORCID, Bremer Michael, Brinkerink Christiaan D.ORCID, Brissenden RogerORCID, Britzen SilkeORCID, Broderick Avery E.ORCID, Broguiere DominiqueORCID, Bronzwaer ThomasORCID, Bustamante SandraORCID, Byun Do-YoungORCID, Carlstrom John E.ORCID, Ceccobello ChiaraORCID, Chael AndrewORCID, Chan Chi-kwanORCID, Chatterjee KoushikORCID, Chatterjee ShamiORCID, Chen Ming-TangORCID, Chen YongjunORCID, Cheng XiaopengORCID, Cho IljeORCID, Christian PierreORCID, Conroy Nicholas S.ORCID, Conway John E.ORCID, Cordes James M.ORCID, Crawford Thomas M.ORCID, Crew Geoffrey B.ORCID, Cruz-Osorio AlejandroORCID, Cui YuzhuORCID, Davelaar JordyORCID, Laurentis Mariafelicia DeORCID, Deane RogerORCID, Dempsey JessicaORCID, Desvignes GregoryORCID, Dexter JasonORCID, Dhruv VedantORCID, Doeleman Sheperd S.ORCID, Dougal SeanORCID, Dzib Sergio A.ORCID, Eatough Ralph P.ORCID, Emami RaziehORCID, Falcke HeinoORCID, Farah JosephORCID, Fish Vincent L.ORCID, Fomalont EdORCID, Ford H. AlysonORCID, Fraga-Encinas RaquelORCID, Freeman William T., Friberg PerORCID, Fromm Christian M.ORCID, Fuentes AntonioORCID, Galison PeterORCID, Gammie Charles F.ORCID, García RobertoORCID, Gentaz OlivierORCID, Georgiev BorisORCID, Goddi CiriacoORCID, Gold RomanORCID, Gómez-Ruiz Arturo I.ORCID, Gómez José L.ORCID, Gu MinfengORCID, Gurwell MarkORCID, Hada KazuhiroORCID, Haggard DarylORCID, Haworth Kari, Hecht Michael H.ORCID, Hesper RonaldORCID, Heumann DirkORCID, Ho Luis C.ORCID, Ho PaulORCID, Honma MarekiORCID, Huang Chih-Wei L.ORCID, Huang LeiORCID, Hughes David H., Ikeda ShiroORCID, Impellizzeri C. M. VioletteORCID, Inoue MakotoORCID, Issaoun SaraORCID, James David J.ORCID, Jannuzi Buell T.ORCID, Janssen MichaelORCID, Jeter BrittonORCID, Jiang WuORCID, Jiménez-Rosales AlejandraORCID, Johnson Michael D.ORCID, Jorstad SvetlanaORCID, Joshi Abhishek V.ORCID, Jung TaehyunORCID, Karami MansourORCID, Karuppusamy RameshORCID, Kawashima TomohisaORCID, Keating Garrett K.ORCID, Kettenis MarkORCID, Kim Dong-JinORCID, Kim Jae-YoungORCID, Kim JongsooORCID, Kim JunhanORCID, Kino MotokiORCID, Koay Jun YiORCID, Kocherlakota PrashantORCID, Kofuji Yutaro, Koch Patrick M.ORCID, Koyama ShokoORCID, Kramer CarstenORCID, Kramer MichaelORCID, Krichbaum Thomas P.ORCID, Kuo Cheng-YuORCID, Bella Noemi LaORCID, Lauer Tod R.ORCID, Lee DaeyoungORCID, Lee Sang-SungORCID, Leung Po KinORCID, Levis AviadORCID, Li ZhiyuanORCID, Lico RoccoORCID, Lindahl GregORCID, Lindqvist MichaelORCID, Lisakov MikhailORCID, Liu JunORCID, Liu KuoORCID, Liuzzo ElisabettaORCID, Lo Wen-PingORCID, Lobanov Andrei P.ORCID, Loinard LaurentORCID, Lonsdale Colin J.ORCID, Lu Ru-SenORCID, Mao JirongORCID, Marchili NicolaORCID, Markoff SeraORCID, Marrone Daniel P.ORCID, Marscher Alan P.ORCID, Martí-Vidal IvánORCID, Matsushita SatokiORCID, Matthews Lynn D.ORCID, Medeiros LiaORCID, Menten Karl M.ORCID, Michalik DanielORCID, Mizuno IzumiORCID, Mizuno YosukeORCID, Moran James M.ORCID, Moriyama KotaroORCID, Moscibrodzka MonikaORCID, Müller CorneliaORCID, Mus AlejandroORCID, Musoke GibwaORCID, Myserlis IoannisORCID, Nadolski AndrewORCID, Nagai HiroshiORCID, Nagar Neil M.ORCID, Nakamura MasanoriORCID, Narayan RameshORCID, Narayanan GopalORCID, Natarajan IniyanORCID, Nathanail Antonios, Fuentes Santiago Navarro, Neilsen JoeyORCID, Neri RobertoORCID, Ni ChunchongORCID, Noutsos AristeidisORCID, Nowak Michael A.ORCID, Oh JunghwanORCID, Okino HirokiORCID, Olivares HéctorORCID, Ortiz-León Gisela N.ORCID, Oyama TomoakiORCID, Palumbo Daniel C. M.ORCID, Paraschos Georgios FilipposORCID, Park JonghoORCID, Parsons HarrietORCID, Patel NimeshORCID, Pen Ue-LiORCID, Pesce Dominic W.ORCID, Piétu Vincent, Plambeck RichardORCID, PopStefanija Aleksandar, Porth OliverORCID, Pötzl Felix M.ORCID, Prather BenORCID, Preciado-López Jorge A.ORCID, Pu Hung-YiORCID, Ramakrishnan VenkatesshORCID, Rao RamprasadORCID, Rawlings Mark G.ORCID, Raymond Alexander W.ORCID, Rezzolla LucianoORCID, Ricarte AngeloORCID, Ripperda BartORCID, Roelofs FreekORCID, Rogers AlanORCID, Ros EduardoORCID, Romero-Cañizales CristinaORCID, Roshanineshat ArashORCID, Rottmann Helge, Roy Alan L.ORCID, Ruiz IgnacioORCID, Ruszczyk ChetORCID, Rygl Kazi L. J.ORCID, Sánchez SalvadorORCID, Sánchez-Argüelles DavidORCID, Sánchez-Portal MiguelORCID, Sasada MahitoORCID, Satapathy KaushikORCID, Savolainen TuomasORCID, Schloerb F. Peter, Schonfeld JonathanORCID, Schuster Karl-FriedrichORCID, Shao LijingORCID, Shen ZhiqiangORCID, Small DesORCID, Sohn Bong WonORCID, SooHoo JasonORCID, Souccar KamalORCID, Sun HeORCID, Tazaki FumieORCID, Tetarenko Alexandra J.ORCID, Tiede PaulORCID, Tilanus Remo P. J.ORCID, Titus MichaelORCID, Torne PabloORCID, Traianou EfthaliaORCID, Trent Tyler, Trippe SaschaORCID, Turk MatthewORCID, van Bemmel IlseORCID, van Langevelde Huib JanORCID, van Rossum Daniel R.ORCID, Vos JesseORCID, Wagner JanORCID, Ward-Thompson DerekORCID, Wardle JohnORCID, Weintroub JonathanORCID, Wex NorbertORCID, Wharton RobertORCID, Wielgus MaciekORCID, Wiik KajORCID, Witzel GuntherORCID, Wondrak Michael F.ORCID, Wong George N.ORCID, Wu QingwenORCID, Yamaguchi PaulORCID, Yoon DoosooORCID, Young AndréORCID, Young KenORCID, Younsi ZiriORCID, Yuan FengORCID, Yuan Ye-FeiORCID, Zensus J. AntonORCID, Zhang ShuoORCID, Zhao Guang-YaoORCID, Zhao Shan-ShanORCID, Chang Dominic O.
In this paper we quantify the temporal variability and image morphology of the horizon-scale emission from Sgr A*, as observed by the EHT in 2017 April at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. We find that the Sgr A* data exhibit variability that exceeds what can be explained by the uncertainties in the data or by the effects of interstellar scattering. The magnitude of this variability can be a substantial fraction of the correlated flux density, reaching ∼100% on some baselines. Through an exploration of simple geometric source models, we demonstrate that ring-like morphologies provide better fits to the Sgr A* data than do other morphologies with comparable complexity. We develop two strategies for fitting static geometric ring models to the time-variable Sgr A* data; one strategy fits models to short segments of data over which the source is static and averages these independent fits, while the other fits models to the full data set using a parametric model for the structural variability power spectrum around the average source structure. Both geometric modeling and image-domain feature extraction techniques determine the ring diameter to be 51.8 ± 2.3 μas (68% credible intervals), with the ring thickness constrained to have an FWHM between ∼30% and 50% of the ring diameter. To bring the diameter measurements to a common physical scale, we calibrate them using synthetic data generated from GRMHD simulations. This calibration constrains the angular size of the gravitational radius to be
μas, which we combine with an independent distance measurement from maser parallaxes to determine the mass of Sgr A* to be
American Astronomical Society
Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics
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208 articles.