Differences in Crossover Frequency and Distribution Among Three Sibling Species of Drosophila


True John R,Mercer John M,Laurie Cathy C


Abstract Comparisons of the genetic and cytogenetic maps of three sibling species of Drosophila reveal marked differences in the frequency and cumulative distribution of crossovers during meiosis. The maps for two of these species, Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans, have previously been described, while this report presents new map data for D. mauritiana, obtained using a set of P element markers. A genetic map covering nearly the entire genome was constructed by estimating the recombination fraction for each pair of adjacent inserts. The P-based genetic map of mauritiana is ~1.8 times longer than the standard mlanogastm map. It appears that mauritiana has higher recombination along the entire length of each chromosome, but the difference is greatest in centromere-proximal regions of the autosomes. The mauritiana autosomes show little or no centromeric recombinational suppression, a characteristic that is prominent in melanogaster. D. simulans appears to be intermediate both in terms of total map length and intensity of the autosomal centromeric effect. These interspecific differences in recombination have important evolutionary implications for DNA sequence organization and variability. In particular, mauritiana is expected to differ from mlanogaster in patterns and amounts of sequence variation and transposon insertions.


Oxford University Press (OUP)










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