Influence of lighting environment on social preferences in sticklebacks from two different photic habitats. I. mate preferences of wild-caught females


Hiermes Meike1,Reher Stephanie12,Rick Ingolf P13,Bakker Theo C M1


1. Institute for Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, University of Bonn, An der Immenburg 1, Bonn, 53121, Germany

2. Institute of Zoology, Functional Ecology, University of Hamburg, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, Hamburg, 20146, Germany

3. Institute of Zoology, University of Bonn, Meckenheimer Allee 169, Bonn, 53115, Germany


Abstract Ultraviolet (UV) A signals (320–400 nm) are important in mate choice in numerous species. The sensitivity for UV signals is not only assumed to be costly, but also expected to be a function of the prevailing ecological conditions. Generally, those signals are favored by selection that efficiently reach the receiver. A decisive factor for color signaling is the lighting environment, especially in aquatic habitats, as the visibility of signals, and thus costs and benefits, are instantaneously influenced by it. Although ecological aspects of color signal evolution are relatively well-studied, there is little data on specific effects of environmental UV-light conditions on signaling at these shorter wavelengths. We studied wild-caught gravid female 3-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus of 2 photic habitat types (tea-stained and clear-water lakes), possessing great variation in their UV transmission. In 2 treatments, tea-stained and clear-water, preferences for males viewed under UV-present (UV+) and UV-absent (UV–) conditions were tested. A preference for males under UV+ conditions was found for females from both habitat types, thus stressing the significance of UV signals in stickleback’s mate choice decisions. However, females from both habitat types showed the most pronounced preferences for males under UV+ conditions under clear-water test conditions. Moreover, reflectance measurements revealed that the carotenoid-based orange-red breeding coloration in wild-caught males of both habitat types differed significantly in color intensity (higher in clear-water males) and hue (more red shifted in clear-water males) while no significant differences in UV coloration were found. The differential reflection patterns in longer wavelengths suggest that sticklebacks of both habitat types have adapted to the respective water conditions. Adaptations of UV signals in a sexual context to ambient light conditions in both behavior and coloration seem less evident.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Animal Science and Zoology







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