1. Institute of Systems, Molecular, & Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool , Liverpool , UK
2. Department of Neurosurgery, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust , Liverpool , UK
3. Neuro-Oncology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute , Bethesda, Maryland , USA
4. Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool, Liverpool , UK
5. Brainstrust—The Brain Cancer People, Cowes , UK
6. Department of Palliative Care , Cardiff and Vale UHB, Cardiff , UK
7. Marie Curie Research Centre, Cardiff University, Cardiff , UK
8. Department of Neurology, Leiden University Medical Center , Leiden, the Netherlands
9. Department of Neurology, Haaglanden Medical Center , The Hague , the Netherlands
10. Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Southampton, Southampton, UK
11. National Centre for Neurosurgery, Beaumont Hospital , Dublin , Ireland
12. Department of Neurosurgery. Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust , Liverpool , UK
13. Department of Neurology, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust , Liverpool , UK
14. Division of Neuroscience, Florida International University , Florida , USA
15. Department of Neurosurgery, Geneva University Hospital , Geneva , Switzerland
16. International Brain Tumour Alliance, Surrey , UK
17. Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences, University of Liverpool , Liverpool , UK
18. Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford , Oxford , UK
19. Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna , Vienna , Austria
20. Department of Neurosurgery, Addenbrooke’s Hospital & University of Cambridge , Cambridge , UK
21. Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences, University of Birmingham , Birmingham , UK
22. Department of Neurology, University Hospital and University of Zurich , Zürich , Switzerland
23. Department of Surgery, University of Toronto , Toronto , Canada
24. University Neurosurgical Center Holland, Leiden University Medical Centre, Haaglanden Medical Center, Haga Teaching Hospitals , Leiden and The Hague , the Netherlands