1. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) , 8400 Oostende , Belgium
2. Kytos BV , Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 82, 9052 Gent, Belgium
3. Institute of Marine Science, University of California Santa Cruz , Santa Cruz, CA 95064 , USA
4. Department of Genetics and Evolution, University of Geneva , 1205 Geneva , Switzerland
5. NORCE Climate, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research , Jahnebakken 5, 5007 Bergen , Norway
6. Oceanographic Institute, University of São Paulo , Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120, São Paulo , Brazil
7. Department of Information Technology, Research group WAVES, Ghent University , Tech Lane Ghent Science Park, 126, B-9058 Gent , Belgium
8. AZTI, Marine Research, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA). Txatxarramendi Ugartea z/g , 48395 Sukarrieta , Spain
9. Cefas , Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0HT , UK
10. Institute of Marine Research , Nykirkekaien 1, 5005 Bergen , Norway
11. School of Biological and Marine Sciences, University of Plymouth , Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA , UK
12. Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, CNRS, Univ. Lille, IRD, UMR 8187, LOG, Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences , F-62930 Wimereux , France
13. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Integrated Ocean Observing System , Silver Spring, MD 20910 , USA
14. Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research , 16452 Argyroupoli , Greece
15. Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Institut de la Mer de Villefranche, FR3761 , F-06230 Villefranche-Sur-Mer , France
16. Wageningen University and Research , Droevendaalsesteeg 1, Building 107, 6708 PB Wageningen , The Netherlands
17. Finnish Environment Institute , Latokartanonkaari 11, FI-00790 Helsinki , Finland
18. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) , Latokartanonkaari 9, FI-00790 Helsinki , Finland
19. Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Marine Research , Jacobsenstraat 1, 8400 Ostend , Belgium
20. Department of Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling—Knowledge-based Systems Research Group, University of Ghent , Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent , Belgium
21. Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen Marine Research , 1976 CP IJmuiden , The Netherlands
22. Present affiliation: Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa , 1680 East West Road, POST 815, Honolulu HI 96822 , USA
23. Auke Bay Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , 17609 Pt. Lena Loop Rd., Juneau, AK 99801 , USA
24. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) , Seestrasse 15, 18119 Rostock , Germany
25. Nantes Université, École Centrale Nantes, CNRS, LS2N, UMR 6004 , F-44000 Nantes , France
26. Research Federation for the Study of Global Ocean Systems Ecology and Evolution, FR2022/Tara Oceans GOSEE , F-75016 Paris , France
27. Institute of Coastal Systems, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon , Max-Planck-Straße 1, 21502 Geesthacht , Germany
28. Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries , Herwigstraße 31, 27572 Bremerhaven , Germany
29. Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, LOV , F-06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer , France
30. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel , 24148 Kiel , Germany
31. Aix Marseille Univ., Univ. Toulon, CNRS, IRD, Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography , F-13009 Marseille , France
32. Institute of Carbon Cycles, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon , Max-Planck-Straße 1, 21502 Geesthacht , Germany
33. NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Science and Technology , Silver Spring, MD 20910 , USA
34. Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen , Allégaten 41, 5007 Bergen , Norway
35. DECOD (Ecosystem Dynamics and Sustainability), IFREMER, INRAe, Institut-Agro-Agrocampus Ouest, rue de L'île d'Yeu , 44311 Nantes Cedex 3 , France
36. Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI), Environment and Marine Sciences Division , 18a Newforge Lane, Belfast BT9 5PX , UK
37. Centre for Applied Marine Science, Bangor University , Menai Bridge LL59 5AB , UK
38. EqualSea Lab-Cross-Research in Environmental Technologies (CRETUS), Department of Applied Economics, University of Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela 15782 , Spain
39. Department of Informatics, University of Bergen , Allégaten 41, 5007 Bergen , Norway