Family-Centered Early Intervention Deaf/Hard of Hearing (FCEI-DHH): Support Principles


Szarkowski Amy12ORCID,Moeller Mary Pat3ORCID,Gale Elaine4ORCID,Smith Trudy5ORCID,Birdsey Bianca C6ORCID,Moodie Sheila T F7ORCID,Carr Gwen8ORCID,Stredler-Brown Arlene9,Yoshinaga-Itano Christine10ORCID, ,Berke Michele,Binder Doris,Carr Gwen,Cloete Natasha,Crace Jodee,Crowe Kathryn,Dauer Frank,DesGeorges Janet,Dirks Evelien,Fellinger Johannes,Ferguson Bridget,Grover Anita,Hofer Johannes,Holten Sonja Myhre,Holzinger Daniel,Hopkins Karen,Laugen Nina Jakhelln,Lillo-Martin Diane,Magongwa Lucas,Martin Amber,McCall Jolanta,McCarthy Melissa,McDonnell Teresa,Movallali Guita,Müllegger-Treciokaite Daiva,Olson Stephanie B,Olusanya Bolajoko O,Pittman Paula,Porter Ann,Russell Jane,Sarkar Snigdha,Seaver Leeanne,Storbeck Claudine,Stredler-Brown Arlene,Thompson Nanette,Windisch Sabine,Yoshinaga-Itano Christine,Young Alys,Zheng Xuan,Holzinger Daniel1112ORCID


1. The Institute, Children's Children’s Center for Communication/Beverly School for the Deaf, Beverly, MA , United States

2. Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston , Boston, MA, United States

3. Boys Town National Research Hospital Center for Childhood Deafness, Language & Learning, , Omaha, NE, United States

4. Hunter College, City University of New York School of Education, Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Program, , New York, NY, United States

5. NextSense Institute , Sydney, NSW, Australia

6. Global Coalition of Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (GPODHH) , Durban, South Africa

7. Western University Health Sciences, School of Communication Sciences & Disorders, , London, ON, Canada

8. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention and Family Centered Practice , London, United Kingdom

9. Colorado Department of Human Services Colorado Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program, , Denver, CO, United States

10. University of Colorado Institute for Cognitive Sciences, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States

11. Institute of Neurology of Senses and Language, Hospital of St. John of God , Linz, Austria

12. Research Institute for Developmental Medicine, Johannes Kepler University , Linz, Austria


Abstract This article is the sixth in a series of eight articles that comprise a special issue on Family-Centered Early Intervention (FCEI) for children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) and their families, or FCEI-DHH. The Support Principles article is the second of three articles that describe the 10 Principles of FCEI-DHH, preceded by the Foundation Principles, and followed by the Structure Principles, all in this special issue. The Support Principles are composed of four Principles (Principles 3, 4, 5, and 6) that highlight (a) the importance of a variety of supports for families raising children who are DHH; (b) the need to attend to and ensure the well-being of all children who are DHH; (c) the necessity of building the language and communication abilities of children who are DHH and their family members; and (d) the importance of considering the family’s strengths, needs, and values in decision-making.


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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