1. UN Doc S/PV.5493 (2006) 14. Lebanon clearly rejected Israel.s contention to be acting primarily against non-State terrorist targets:. It has been very clear from the beginning that it was not Hizbollah that was the target. It was Lebanon that was the target. Infrastructure was targeted and hundreds of civilians were killed before Israel even took up any campaign against Hizbollah and its positions’, S/PV5498 (20067) 6. The Secretary General also characterized Israel's use of force as ‘collective punishment of the Lebanese people’, S/PV.5492 (2006) 3. Argentina similarly qualified Israel's use of force as ‘collective punishment’, S/PV.5489 (2006) 9.
2. Mauritania (UNSCOR, 1939th Meeting 9 07 1976, para 45)
3. Libyan Arab Republic (UNSCOR, 1943rd Meeting, 14 07 1976, paras 7–20).
4. See the statement by Mr Nambiar (Special-Adviser to the Secretary-General) to the Security Council, UN Doc S/PV.5493 (2006) 5. Whether Hizbollah's provocations amounted to an ‘armed attack’ within the meaning of Art 51 of the UN Charter is beyond the scope of this paper, but raises additional concerns about the scale of Israel's response and the legality of preventive self-defence.
5. see Kirgis Frederic L , ‘Some Proportionality Issues Raised by Israel's Use of Armed Force in Lebanon’ (ASIL Insight, 17 08 2006) .