The Reactome Pathway Knowledgebase 2024


Milacic Marija1,Beavers Deidre2,Conley Patrick2,Gong Chuqiao3,Gillespie Marc14,Griss Johannes35,Haw Robin1,Jassal Bijay1,Matthews Lisa6,May Bruce1,Petryszak Robert2,Ragueneau Eliot3ORCID,Rothfels Karen1,Sevilla Cristoffer3,Shamovsky Veronica6,Stephan Ralf17,Tiwari Krishna3,Varusai Thawfeek38,Weiser Joel1,Wright Adam1,Wu Guanming2,Stein Lincoln19,Hermjakob Henning3ORCID,D’Eustachio Peter6ORCID


1. Ontario Institute for Cancer Research , Toronto , ON M5G0A3, Canada

2. Oregon Health and Science University , Portland , OR  97239 , USA

3. European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) , Wellcome Genome Campus , Hinxton , Cambridgeshire  CB10 1SD , UK

4. College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, St. John's University , Queens , NY  11439 , USA

5. Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna , 1090  Vienna , Austria

6. NYU Grossman School of Medicine , New York , NY  10016 , USA

7. Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education (IGDORE)

8. Open Targets , Wellcome Genome Campus , Hinxton , Cambridgeshire  CB10 1SD , UK

9. Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto , Toronto , ON  M5S 1A1 , Canada


Abstract The Reactome Knowledgebase (, an Elixir and GCBR core biological data resource, provides manually curated molecular details of a broad range of normal and disease-related biological processes. Processes are annotated as an ordered network of molecular transformations in a single consistent data model. Reactome thus functions both as a digital archive of manually curated human biological processes and as a tool for discovering functional relationships in data such as gene expression profiles or somatic mutation catalogs from tumor cells. Here we review progress towards annotation of the entire human proteome, targeted annotation of disease-causing genetic variants of proteins and of small-molecule drugs in a pathway context, and towards supporting explicit annotation of cell- and tissue-specific pathways. Finally, we briefly discuss issues involved in making Reactome more fully interoperable with other related resources such as the Gene Ontology and maintaining the resulting community resource network.


National Institutes of Health

European Bioinformatics Institute

University of Toronto


Oxford University Press (OUP)



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