EPD in 2020: enhanced data visualization and extension to ncRNA promoters


Meylan Patrick1ORCID,Dreos René1,Ambrosini Giovanna12,Groux Romain12,Bucher Philipp12ORCID


1. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

2. School of Life Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland


Abstract The Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD), available online at https://epd.epfl.ch, provides accurate transcription start site (TSS) information for promoters of 15 model organisms plus corresponding functional genomics data that can be viewed in a genome browser, queried or analyzed via web interfaces, or exported in standard formats (FASTA, BED, CSV) for subsequent analysis with other tools. Recent work has focused on the improvement of the EPD promoter viewers, which use the UCSC Genome Browser as visualization platform. Thousands of high-resolution tracks for CAGE, ChIP-seq and similar data have been generated and organized into public track hubs. Customized, reproducible promoter views, combining EPD-supplied tracks with native UCSC Genome Browser tracks, can be accessed from the organism summary pages or from individual promoter entries. Moreover, thanks to recent improvements and stabilization of ncRNA gene catalogs, we were able to release promoter collections for certain classes of ncRNAs from human and mouse. Furthermore, we developed automatic computational protocols to assign orphan TSS peaks to downstream genes based on paired-end (RAMPAGE) TSS mapping data, which enabled us to add nearly 9000 new entries to the human promoter collection. Since our last article in this journal, EPD was extended to five more model organisms: rhesus monkey, rat, dog, chicken and Plasmodium falciparum.


Swiss Government


Oxford University Press (OUP)



Reference19 articles.

1. Compilation and analysis of eukaryotic POL II promoter sequences;Bucher;Nucleic Acids Res.,1986

2. Detecting expressed genes using CAGE;Murata;Methods Mol. Biol.,2014

3. An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome;ENCODE Project Consortium;Nature,2012

4. A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas;FANTOM Consortium and the RIKEN PMI and CLST (DGT);Nature,2014

5. GENCODE reference annotation for the human and mouse genomes;Frankish;Nucleic Acids Res.,2019








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