Abstract. We consider a plane fault with two asperities embedded in a shear zone,
subject to a uniform strain rate owing to tectonic loading. After an
earthquake, the static stress field is relaxed by viscoelastic deformation in
the asthenosphere. We treat the fault as a discrete dynamical system with 3
degrees of freedom: the slip deficits of the asperities and the variation of
their difference due to viscoelastic deformation. The evolution of the fault
is described in terms of inter-seismic intervals and slip episodes, which may
involve the slip of a single asperity or both. We consider the effect of
stress transfers connected to earthquakes produced by neighbouring faults.
The perturbation alters the slip deficits of both asperities and the stress
redistribution on the fault associated with viscoelastic relaxation. The
interplay between the stress perturbation and the viscoelastic relaxation
significantly complicates the evolution of the fault and its seismic
activity. We show that the presence of viscoelastic relaxation prevents any
simple correlation between the change of Coulomb stresses on the asperities
and the anticipation or delay of their failures. As an application, we study
the effects of the 1999 Hector Mine, California, earthquake on the
post-seismic evolution of the fault that generated the 1992 Landers,
California, earthquake, which we model as a two-mode event associated with
the consecutive failure of two asperities.
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2 articles.