Abstract. Lateral carbon transport from soils to the ocean through rivers
has been acknowledged as a key component of the global carbon cycle, but it is
still neglected in most global land surface models (LSMs). Fluvial transport
of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and CO2 has been implemented in the
ORCHIDEE LSM, while erosion-induced delivery of sediment and particulate
organic carbon (POC) from land to river was implemented in another version
of the model. Based on these two developments, we take the final step
towards the full representation of biospheric carbon transport through the
land–river continuum. The newly developed model, called
ORCHIDEE-Clateral, simulates the complete lateral transport of water,
sediment, POC, DOC, and CO2 from land to sea through the river network,
the deposition of sediment and POC in the river channel and floodplains, and
the decomposition of POC and DOC in transit. We parameterized and evaluated
ORCHIDEE-Clateral using observation data in Europe. The model explains
94 %, 75 %, and 83 % of the spatial variations of observed riverine
water discharges, bankfull water flows, and riverine sediment discharges in
Europe, respectively. The simulated long-term average total organic carbon
concentrations and DOC concentrations in river flows are comparable to the
observations in major European rivers, although our model generally
overestimates the seasonal variation of riverine organic carbon
concentrations. Application of ORCHIDEE-Clateral for Europe reveals
that the lateral carbon transfer affects land carbon dynamics in multiple
ways, and omission of this process in LSMs may lead to an overestimation of
4.5 % in the simulated annual net terrestrial carbon uptake over Europe.
Overall, this study presents a useful tool for simulating large-scale
lateral carbon transfer and for predicting the feedbacks between lateral
carbon transfer and future climate and land use changes.
Fonds De La Recherche Scientifique - FNRS
Horizon 2020
Agence Nationale de la Recherche
H2020 Environment
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
Cited by
10 articles.