Abstract. Depressions – inwardly draining regions – are common to many landscapes. When there is sufficient moisture, depressions take the form of lakes and wetlands; otherwise, they may be dry. Hydrological flow models used in geomorphology, hydrology, planetary science, soil and water conservation, and other fields often eliminate depressions through filling or breaching; however, this can produce unrealistic results. Models that retain depressions, on the other hand, are often undesirably expensive to run. In previous work we began to address this by developing a depression hierarchy data structure to capture the full topographic complexity of depressions in a region. Here, we extend this work by presenting the Fill–Spill–Merge algorithm that utilizes our depression hierarchy data structure to rapidly process and distribute runoff. Runoff fills depressions, which then overflow and spill into their neighbors. If both a depression and its neighbor fill, they merge. We provide a detailed explanation of the algorithm and results from two sample study areas. In these case studies, the algorithm runs 90–2600 times faster (with a reduction in compute time of 2000–63 000 times) than the commonly used Jacobi iteration and produces a more accurate output. Complete, well-commented, open-source code with 97 % test coverage is available on GitHub and Zenodo.
Krell Institute
Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Division of Earth Sciences
Earth-Surface Processes,Geophysics
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12 articles.