Source apportionment of methane emissions from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin using isotopic signatures


Fiehn AlinaORCID,Eckl MaximilianORCID,Kostinek Julian,Gałkowski MichałORCID,Gerbig ChristophORCID,Rothe Michael,Röckmann ThomasORCID,Menoud MalikaORCID,Maazallahi HosseinORCID,Schmidt MartinaORCID,Korbeń Piotr,Neçki Jarosław,Stanisavljević MilaORCID,Swolkień JustynaORCID,Fix AndreasORCID,Roiger Anke


Abstract. Anthropogenic emissions are the primary source of the increase in atmospheric methane (CH4) levels. However, estimates of anthropogenic CH4 emissions still show large uncertainties at global and regional scales. Differences in CH4 isotopic source signatures δ13C and δ2H can help to constrain different source contributions (e.g., fossil, waste, agriculture). The Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) represents one of the largest European CH4 emission regions, with more than 500 Gg CH4 yr−1 released from more than 50 coal mine ventilation shafts, landfills, and wastewater treatment plants. During the CoMet (Carbon Dioxide and Methane Mission) campaign in June 2018 methane observations were conducted from a variety of platforms including aircraft and cars to quantify these emissions. Besides the continuous sampling of atmospheric methane concentration, numerous air samples were taken from inside and around the ventilation shafts (1–2 km distance) and aboard the High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO) and DLR Cessna Caravan aircraft, and they were analyzed in the laboratory for the isotopic composition of CH4. The airborne samples downwind of the USCB contained methane from the entire region and thus enabled determining the mean signature of the USCB accurately. This mean isotopic signature of methane emissions was -50.9±0.7 ‰ for δ13C and -226±9 ‰ for δ2H. This is in the range of previous USCB studies based on samples taken within the mines for δ13C but more depleted in δ2H than reported before. Signatures of methane enhancements sampled upwind of the mines and in the free troposphere clearly showed the influence of biogenic sources. We determined the source signatures of individual coal mine ventilation shafts using ground-based samples. These signatures displayed a considerable range between different mines and also varied for individual shafts from day to day. Different layers of the USCB coal contain thermogenic methane, isotopically similar to natural gas, and methane formed through biogenic carbonate reduction. The signatures vary depending on what layer of coal is mined at the time of sampling. Mean shaft signatures range from −60 ‰ to −42 ‰ for δ13C and from −200 ‰ to −160 ‰ for δ2H. A gradient in the signatures of subregions of the USCB is reflected both in the aircraft data and in the ground samples, with emissions from the southwest being most depleted in δ2H and emissions from the south being most depleted in δ13C, which is probably associated with the structural and lithostratigraphic history of the USCB and generation and migration processes of methane in the coal. The average signature of -49.8±5.7 ‰ in δ13C and -184±32 ‰ in δ2H from the ventilation shafts clearly differs from the USCB regional signature in δ2H. This makes a source attribution using δ2H signatures possible, which would not be possible with only the δ13C isotopic signatures. We assume that the USCB plume mainly contains fossil coal mine methane and biogenic methane from waste treatment, because the USCB is a highly industrialized region with few other possible methane sources. Assuming a biogenic methane signature between and −320 ‰ and −280 ‰ for δ2H, the biogenic methane emissions from the USCB account for 15 %–50 % of total emissions. The uncertainty range shows the need of comprehensive and extensive sampling from all possible source sectors for source apportionment. The share of anthropogenic–biogenic emissions of 0.4 %–14 % from this densely populated industrial region is underestimated in commonly used emission inventories. Generally, this study demonstrates the importance of δ2H-CH4 observations for methane source apportionment in regions with a mix of thermogenic and biogenic sources and, especially in our case, where the δ13C signature of the coal mine gas has a large variability.


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Horizon 2020


Copernicus GmbH


Atmospheric Science

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