Mast- und Schlachtleistung sowie Fleisch- und Fettqualität von Pietrain-Schweinen unterschiedlichen MHS-Genotyps und Geschlechts – 2. Mitteilung: Fettsäurenmuster der Depotfette Rückenspeck, Flomen und intermuskuläres Fett sowie der Gesamt- und Phospholipide des <i>M. long, dorsi</i>


Biedermann G.,Jatsch C.,Peschke W.,Lindner J.-P.,Wittmann W.


Abstract. Title of the Paper: Fattening and carcass Performance and meat- and fat quality of Pietrain pigs of different MHS-genotype and sex. II. Fatty acid pattern of the adipose tissues back fat, leaf fat and intermuscular fat and of the total- and phospholipids of the M. long, dorsi In this investigation the fatty acid pattern of the adipose tissues back fat (devided in dorsal and ventral compartment), leaf fat and intermuscular and the total and phospholipids of the M. long, dorsi of different MHSgenotypes and sexes of the Piétrain race have been compared. There were available 60 animals with equal numbers of the three MHS-genotypes (NN, Np, pp) and both sexes (castrates, gilts) (liveweight at the end of fattening: 150 kg). The decreasing presence of the stress allele p (pp > Np > NN) as well the castrates compared with the gilts were combined with increasing content of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids and decreasing content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in all adipose tissues and in the total and phospholipids of the M. long, dorsi and thus with better technological quality. The results should additionally cause the selection stress resistent pigs of the Piétrain race.


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