Comparison of Mangalica and Hungarian Large White pigs at identical bodyweight: 2. Fatty acid regiodistribution analysis of the triacylglycerols


Szabó A.,Horn P.,Romvári R.,Házas Z.,Fébel H.


Abstract. At identical bodyweight values (130 kg) Mangalica and Hungarian Large White tissue (liver, kidney, heart and skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, spleen and lung) triacylglycerol (TAG) fatty acid distribution analysis was performed, to describe tissue types and possible genotype-associated differences. Tissue TAG was partially hydrolyzed with hog pancreatic lipase, and the fatty acid profile of 2-monoacylglycerols (2MAG) and TAGs was analyzed by gas-chromatography. All extrahepatic tissues provided marked central (sn-2) saturated fatty acid (SFA) (mostly palmitate) recruitment, while liver 2MAGs were mainly aclylated by unsaturated fatty acids (UFA). Inter-genotype differences were minor: in adipose tissue in Mangalica the total palmitate moiety was found in the 2MAGs, while in the liver docosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids were only found in the Mangalica 2MAGs. In conclusion, the direct analysis results of the 2MAGs in six extrahepatic organs and in the liver provided evidence that the building-up of the characteristic porcine TAG structure is located at a post-hepatic site, being true for most of the organs in the pig body.


Copernicus GmbH

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