Na-feldspar: temperature, pressure and the state of order
Container-title:European Journal of Mineralogy
Short-container-title:Eur. J. Mineral.
Kroll Herbert,Bambauer Hans Ulrich,Pentinghaus Horst
Abstract. In feldspars, mean tetrahedral T–O bond lengths (T = Al,Si) are the
standard measure of the tetrahedral Al content. However, for a sophisticated
assessment of the Al,Si distribution, factors have to be accounted for (1) that cause individual T–O bond lengths to deviate from their tetrahedral
means and (2) that cause mean tetrahedral lengths to deviate from values specified by the Al content. We investigated low albite, Na[AlSi3O8], from six
X-ray crystal structure refinements available in the literature. The Al,Si
distribution of low albite is fully ordered so that Al,Si–O bond length
variations result only from bond perturbing factors. For the
intra-tetrahedral variation ΔT–O≡T–O-〈T–O〉, only two factors turned out to be
effective: (1) the sum of bond critical point electron densities in the Na–O
and T–O bonds neighbouring the T–O bond under consideration and (2) the
fractional s-bond character of the bridging oxygen atom. This model resulted
in a root mean square (rms) value for ΔT–O of only 0.002
Å, comparable to the estimated standard deviations (esd's) routinely quoted in X-ray and neutron
structure refinements. In the second step, the inter-tetrahedral differences
Δ〈T–O〉≡〈T–O〉-〈〈T–O〉〉 were considered. Here, apart
from the tetrahedral Al content, the only size-perturbing factor is the
difference between the tetrahedral and the grand mean fractional
s-characters. The resulting rms value was as small as 0.0003 Å. From this analysis, Al site occupancies, t, can be derived from
observed mean tetrahedral distances, 〈T–O〉obs, as t=0.25(1+nAn)+〈T–O〉adj-〈〈T–O〉〉/0.12466(17), with the observed distance 〈T–O〉obs
adjusted for the influence of the fractional s-character, 〈T–O〉adj=〈T–O〉obs+0.1907(51)[〈fs(O)〉-〈〈fs(O)〉〉]. This equation served to determine the site
occupancies of 16 intermediate to high albites and one analbite from their
mean tetrahedral distances. It was found that the individual site
occupancies t10, t1m and t20= t2m all vary linearly
with the difference Δt1= t10− t1m. Δt1, in turn, varies linearly with the length difference, Δtr[110], between the unit cell repeat distances [1∕2a, 1∕2b, 0] and [1∕2a,
-1/2b, 0]. Then, from the Δtr[110] indicator, values of t
were obtained as t10=(1-b0)+b0(b1+b2Δtr[110])t1m=(1-b0)-(1-b0)(b1+b2Δtr[110])t20=t2m=(b0-0.5)-(b0-0.5)(b1+b2Δtr[110]), with b0=0.7288(16), b1=0.1103(59) and b2=3.234(32) Å−1. Finally, from an expression that converts the Δ2θ(131) measure of order into Δtr[110] and thus into site occupancies, it was possible to obtain from the
unique suite of bracketed high-pressure experiments performed on albites by
Goldsmith and Jenkins (1985) the evolution with equilibrium temperature of
the thermodynamic order parameter Qod and of the individual Al site
occupancies t at a pressure of 1 bar. For that purpose, since the
Goldsmith and Jenkins experiments were performed at ≈18 kbar, a
procedure was devised that accounts for the effect of pressure on the state
of order. At 1 bar, low albite is stable up to 590 ∘C, where it
begins to disorder, turning into high albite above 720 ∘C. The
highly though not fully disordered monoclinic state (monalbite) is reached
at 980 ∘C, 1 bar, and 1055 ∘C, 18 kbar, respectively.
Eventually, when applying the determinative equations given above to low
microcline, full order is predicted as in low albite.
Copernicus GmbH
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