Quantifying cloud adjustments and the radiative forcing due to aerosol–cloud interactions in satellite observations of warm marine clouds


Douglas Alyson,L'Ecuyer TristanORCID


Abstract. Aerosol–cloud interactions and their resultant forcing remains one of the largest sources of uncertainty in future climate scenarios. The effective radiative forcing due to aerosol–cloud interactions (ERFaci) is a combination of two different effects, namely how aerosols modify cloud brightness (RFaci, intrinsic) and how cloud extent reacts to aerosol (cloud adjustments CA; extrinsic). Using satellite observations of warm clouds from the NASA A-Train constellation from 2007 to 2010 along with MERRA-2 Reanalysis and aerosol from the SPRINTARS model, we evaluate the ERFaci in warm, marine clouds and its components, the RFaciwarm and CAwarm, while accounting for the liquid water path and local environment. We estimate the ERFaciwarm to be -0.32±0.16 Wm−2. The RFaciwarm dominates the ERFaciwarm contributing 80 % (-0.21±0.15 Wm−2), while the CAwarm enhances this cooling by 20 % (-0.05±0.03 Wm−2). Both the RFaciwarm and CAwarm vary in magnitude and sign regionally and can lead to opposite, negating effects under certain environmental conditions. Without considering the two terms separately and without constraining cloud–environment interactions, weak regional ERFaciwarm signals may be erroneously attributed to a damped susceptibility to aerosol.


Copernicus GmbH


Atmospheric Science








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