Nefilinda ,Rozana Eka Putri,Muhammad Aliman,Meli Agustin,Yulius Rahmanto
The purpose of the study is to produce research on the Effect of Land Use on Community Understanding of the Ecosystem of the watershed. This type of research is quantitative. This research will be equipped with related questionnaires to extract land use data and community understanding related to the watershed in Nagari. Analysis using SPSS Version 24. The respondents were 108 households, namely people living around the watershed. The results of the study were: The effect of land use the knowledge on the understanding of communities related to watershed ecosystems seen from the constant (a) = 16.499 and beta = 0.736, with significance value = 0.000. Then the calculation value is Y =16.499 + 0.736X. For the value of t count = 11.187 compared with t table approximately = 1.975, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted meaning significant. Land use knowledge significantly effect on people’s understanding of watershed ecosystems. Significant value = 0.000, compared with 0.05, then sig value 0.000 < 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted means significant. It is proven that land use knowledge has a significant effect on people’s understanding of watershed ecosystems.