Technology and Digital Literacy: Interrelationships and the Impact of Acceptance with Self-regulated Learning


Saregar Antomi,Kirana Linda Jua,Asyhari Ardian,Anugrah Adyt,Fitri Megawati Ridwan,Panse Vishal R.


The educational technology continues to grow and change. Technology acceptance exists to understand how technology emerges and is adopted. Technology acceptance plays an important role in creating an innovative and effective learning environment in enhancing students’ learning experience. Technology acceptance must be supported by digital literacy skills to achieve successful use of technology in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between technology acceptance and digital literacy in self-regulated learning of physics students. This type of research is quantitative survey research. The research data were obtained by distributing online questionnaires using Google Forms. The questionnaire used a Likert scale of five options. A total of 132 valid questionnaires were obtained and analyzed using PLS-SEM assisted by the Smart PLS application. Based on the path coefficient, it shows that technology acceptance has a significant positive effect with β = 0.248 or close to 1, tcritical value of 2.345, which is higher than the tobserved value of 1.989. Furthermore, the p-value is 0.019, which is lower than 0.05. The digital literacy path coefficient has a significant positive effect on self-regulated learning with a value of β = 0.673 or close to 1, tcritical value of 6.456, which is higher than the tobserved value of 1.989. Furthermore, the p-value is 0.000, which is lower than 0.05. The results of PLS-SEM analysis using Smart PLS show that technology acceptance and digital literacy have a significant positive effect on self-regulated learning. This research is expected to be a source of reference for further research in discussing issues related to self-regulated learning.


EDP Sciences







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