The fuzzy logic controllers synthesis method in the vector control system of the wind turbine doubly-fed induction generator


Uskov Andrey,Shchokin Vadym,Mykhailenko Oleksii,Kryvenko Oleksii


The article is devoted to the improvement of control systems for wind turbines by developing fuzzy controllers with higher transient characteristics and low computational costs of identification in comparison with the applied PI controllers. Based on the self-organization method, a fuzzy speed controller of the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) of a wind turbine was synthesized, which uses a zero-order Sugeno fuzzy inference system and is made in the form of a block-oriented Wiener model. This regulator is an element of the vector control system of the transistor converter on the rotor side. The results of simulation modeling of the fuzzy controller showed that it provides a lower transition time compared to the PI controller, by 53.59% during acceleration and by 79.76% during braking, and 23.81% less error speed deviations from the reference signal. Such indicators can minimize losses while maintaining the maximum output power point of the power plant. The implementation of the developed system on wind turbines contributes to increasing the efficiency of wind farms, reducing the cost of electricity production, reducing the payback period of equipment, and the sustainable development of alternative energy in general.


EDP Sciences

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