Modelling and calculation of stumulated oscillation for a crushing plant with vibration


Savinykh Petr,Aleshkin Alexei,Isupov Alexei,Kipriyanov Fedor,Skhlyaev Vladimir


The paper presents the results of the mathematical modelling of external stimuli to improve the efficiency of the removal of grain material from the grinding zone. Thus, the authors proposed to improve the evacuation conditions of the finished product from the working chamber of the crushing plant, as one of these solutions to improve the grinding process in crushers. As a result of creation of external vibrating influence. For this purpose, the calculation chart for modelling the proceeding process of the crushing plant body movement is created which takes into account weight and sizes of the crusher, weight, angular velocity of rotation and eccentric piece location, as well as rigidity of an elastic suspension on which the crusher is established. For the solution of the posed problem, we used methods of analytical mechanics, the Lagrange equation of the second kind, for the mechanical system with two degrees of freedom. As a result of calculations amplitude-frequency characteristics of mechanical system are determined. The conclusion about the choice of the angular velocity of the eccentric rotation for creation of necessary external stimulating influence on the crushing system and improvement of conditions of evacuation of a ready product from a working zone is given. The resonance frequencies of firstand second-order system vibrations and the vibrator frequency are determined to achieve resonance frequencies. Keywords: vibration, modelling, Lagrangian equations of the second kind, grinding, crushing plant.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine







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